A communication for FFF Telangana - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Petition For Reimbursement
On 24 September 2021
A young climate activist, with her parents and team of around 20-30 individuals, gathered at Luv-Hyderabad People's Plaza as part of the Global Climate Strike on 24th September 2021.
After a while, two black suited men arrived and asked the activist and her father to speak to the nodal officer of HMDA, who cited the HMDA rules and gave the HMDA link that couldn't stand there unless a rental of Rs.10000+GST was paid immediately.
Hapless parents did not want to let down their daughter and the youngsters who had gathered there for a noble cause. They luckily had cash and gave the required amount but without any receipt. On demanding the same they were given a challan counterfoil paid to HMDA dated 27th September for the same amount.
When asked for HMDA receipt with bifurcation of 10000+GST of 1800 too, they said no such receipt is available and counterfoil of challan paid in bank is itself a receipt.
As per HMDA website, rentals are to be collected only for film shootings from film development corporations. Rs. 1 lac is the rent per day and Rs. 10000 is the prefix rental for the shooting set up.
The same prefix rate of Rs.10000 +GST as applicable for film shootings for film development corporations has now been charged for the young climate activist.
The HMDA bullied and looted the sum from the youth activist on 24 September 2021 and when the hapless father realised that he was snatched of his hard earned money, he submitted a letter to HMDA BPP on 29 September to refund the said amount. The officials bluntly stated that there is no such provision.
Well, HMDA should know that there is no such provision to bully and loot Rs.11800 either.
We request everyone reading this to mail HMDA and other officials mentioned below to reimburse the money looted. Incidents like this will cause trauma and young people might not be able to stand up to it.
Team Fridays For Future Telangana
News article for more info can be found here - https://www.siasat.com/absurd-drama-hmda-fines-teen-climate-activist-rs-11800-for-organising-protest-2201135/
So, what can I ( Insert your name here ) help ?
Please mail this to :
( Copy the mail above to send it )
S K Joshi cs@telangana.gov.in, cm@telangana.gov.in,
HMDA COM Neerabh Kumar - mc@hmda.gov.in
Bappa Rajinder Reddy - bpp.hmda@gmail.com
prlsecy_maud@telangana.gov.in, secretary@hmda.gov.in, osdbpp@hmda.gov.in, secy-maud@telangana.gov.in, scdrc-ts@nic.in
Retweet and tag @HMDA_Gov and @ktrtrs by clicking the image 👇

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